Connect With Students In A Virtual Classroom // COVID-19

Twenty years from now, when someone mentions the year 2020, one of the first things that will come to mind is COVID-19. The year the whole world went into hibernation. Millions of jobs lost, a freefalling economy, the health implications, the weeks/months of lockdown and…the virtual classroom.

These are waves we haven’t ridden before. ALL of us are scrambling to ‘pivot’ [SO sick of that word] and change the way we operate. After centuries of face to face learning, we’re now staring down the barrel of online learning. Parents, students and teachers are trying to adjust.

I have no doubt all of you wonderful teachers will rise to the occasion but not without missing that one on one interaction with your students. Say what you want about modern technology, nothing beats good old fashioned classroom learning.

So, with that in mind, I thought I would pen this piece about connecting with your students – virtually.

Feelings First 

Children will be feeling all the feelings during this pandemic. Their home life has likely shifted with one or both parents working from home. Their lifestyles have altered beyond recognition: no sports, no playdates, no outings.

It’s a LOT to comprehend!

If time permits, weekly check-in phone calls with your students is a great way to show your support. Your commitment will help them adjust to their new reality.

If you need a virtual activity to spark conversation around feelings, this handy sheet is a great tool. It’s one I’ve used with my own children at home. Sometimes, kids don’t actually know what they’re feeling. A visual chart can really help to get all of those BIG emotions out.

Positive Reinforcement

We all know positive reinforcement is the holy grail for motivating children. Within a school environment, it’s a relatively easy task to accomplish. Reward charts, stickers, awards, mentions at assembly, feedback on work…the list goes on!

When you start thinking of a virtual classroom, things get a little bit more challenging. Talking to a screen without the interaction from your students will be a new endeavour for most teachers and I feel you. It’s going to be different.

I’ve been brainstorming for you and it was just perfect timing for us to announce our rebrand to Teachit Co and to launch this nifty solution!

Being an industry leader in the creation of innovative teacher resources, we wanted to help you take your virtual classroom to the next level with our Personalised Digital Stamps including your all time favourites:

?Dabbing Panda
?Donut Give Up
??Facebook Like
?Heart Eyes
♥️Instagram Like
?Koala-ty Work
??‍♀️ Mermazing
?Whale Done and;
?The Tropical Bundle Kit! ?

All you need to do is save your digital stamps to your desktop and drag/drop them where needed when marking your student’s work. They are completely compatible with a wide variety of online learning platforms including Seesaw, Google Classroom, Teams, OneNote and many more!

We’ve also expanded the digital resources range to include Personalised Digital Stickers! 

Running a virtual classroom will be challenging but there’s no reason why you can’t bring your teaching A-game to the party!

Tell me, are there any other virtual resources that would help you to stay connected to your students during this uncertain time? If you think of anything at ALL, don’t be shy to shoot an email across to [email protected]. I aim to please!

And lastly? THANK YOU for being SO incredible. Your commitment in the face of such adversity has been ASTOUNDING.

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